Saturday, August 18, 2007

Wedding Pictures

I thought I would post some of the pictures that our friends and family took at our wedding. Here are some of my favorites. They are a bit out of order but I hope you enjoy. I will post some of the professional ones when we get them. Meghan and Talia did an amazing job. Alex and I had almost 1,700 pictures to pick from. That is mainly the reason (along with all of our company ;) why we were so slow in choosing which pictures were going into our album. Check out Meghan's website if you want to see more of her work.

God, the best maker of all marriages,

Combine your hearts into one.
m Shakespeare


Michelle said...

oooo... how fun is that last one?!

Katherine M. said...

Hey Joy and Alex, We miss you. We were so happy to be part of your wedding celebration. I hope things are going well for you. Please take care. Blessings on you both!