Saturday, December 8, 2007

White Christmas

The movie White Christmas has long time been one of my favorite Christmas movies to watch. You cant get any better than Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen. I have had many years of enjoyment of many of the musical numbers such as "Sisters", "Snow", "We'll follow the old man", "Count your blessings" and on and on.

This past week Alex took me to the White Christmas musical production where I got to see the entire thing live! What a treat! It never fails that I am blown away at the skill involved with singing, dancing and acting all at the same time. It was a wonderful production at Buell theatre in downtown Denver. It was such a moving moment when the title song was performed at the end and the entire audience was invited to sing along as it "snowed" inside the theatre.

And to appease my historical side I have to include a bit of history I learned about the song and its author Irving Berlin.

Irving Berlin was the son of Siberian immigrants (so he obviously knew a little something about white Christmases') Berlin composed over 3000 songs many of which are well know to us even today (God Bless America, No Business Like Show Business, Anything You Can Do, White Christmas, Easter Parade). He was self taught on the piano and he never learned to read music beyond a basic level. He suffered the loss of his first wife Dorothy only five months after they had been married (she apparently caught Typhoid Fever and Pneumonia on their honeymoon to Cuba). Berlin lived to the age of 101.
Berlin actually wrote White Christmas in 1940 sitting by the pool in Phoenix, AZ. The original first verse of the song poked fun at the Californians that longed for a snowy Christmas up north. The song was first introduced in the movie Holiday Inn (also a favorite of mine) in 1942. The song struck a chord with the generation that was facing another World War and quickly soared to the top of the charts three years in a row and won an academy award. Guinness Book of World Records currently lists it as a Hundred Million Seller. Not bad for a self taught pianist.


Michelle said...

I just watched White Christmas today while we put up the tree. It's a favorite of mine too -- even if it doesn't have anything to do with Christmas. The dancing alone. Man. What talent. Thanks for sharing all the interesting tidbits!

Katie Virginia said...

Joy! My "soul mate"! I just today found your blog and I am so excited. I read all your old posts to get updated. It is great to see you all are doing so well and I love your Christmas decorations!